765, A Twenty-First Century Survivor: A little history and some great stories from Rich Melvi

765, A Twenty-First Century Survivor: A little history and some great stories from Rich Melvi

B. inggris Sekolah Dasar 'Lantai basah'
(i.) Translate the word into english
(ii.) Determine which one is the object, and which one is the adjective.
(iii.) How do you prevent "lantai basah" from occuring?

'Lantai basah'
(i.) Translate the word into english
(ii.) Determine which one is the object, and which one is the adjective.
(iii.) How do you prevent "lantai basah" from occuring?


i. wet floor.

ii. object: floor, adjective: wet

iii. step carefully, step slowly


wet : basah

floor : lantai

step : melangkah

carefully : dengan hati-hati agar tidak terpleset

slowly : perlahan-lahan



please walk slowly because the New hospital floor is mopped.
